Monday, September 21, 2009

Just Not Sure

Have you ever had one of those days when you just can't decide whether you will be happy or sad...well that's how I'm feeling this morning :o) As you can tell by my face I'm just not so sure...Hope everyone has a good day. I get to spend the upcoming weekend with daddy cause mommy has to work with Auntie Coco at the horse should be fun!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Blame it on Mommy!!

OK - so I have been bugging mommy for a long time now to update my page. I am growing up so fast! I am definitely not a baby anymore! I am crawling all over the place, and I can pull myself up on everything too! This does however mean that I fall down a little more often...but it's ok. I am pretty tough! Mommy has to tell me NO sometimes now. I am starting to learn what it means, but sometimes I like to test her (hehehe). Sometimes when she tells me no I sit and yell for about 3 seconds and then I am fine. And sometimes I like to play games with mommy and see how long it takes to get her to just give in and laugh at me!! When she tells me no and I give her a little eyebrow raise and my cute little giggle...and she pretty much gives in every time! So since mommy hasn't updated my page in a (VERY) long time. I convinced her to put up a bunch of here you go!!

I LOVE this piano...especially now that I can stand and play with all of the fun things on the back side of it!

I like to stand at the window now and look outside to see daddy coming up the driveway!

Here is me with my sippy cup. I am just learning how to use this. I really like to chew on it cause it feels good on my teeth (which still haven't come in yet!) Mommy bought me one with a straw yesterday and I am MUCH better at that one - cause I don't have to tip it up to get anything!
Daddy says that I found all of the things that he doesn't want me to get into the first day I was crawling...mommy thinks I will still find some more things!!

I LOVE dog water!!! YAY