Monday, June 29, 2009

Chicken & Gravy...WHAT

So my GI doctor told mommy that she can start giving me meats and veggies. So mommy went shopping today and got me some chicken & gravy, turkey & gravy & beef & gravy. I thought that maybe I would try the chicken first...sounds like it would be good right?!
Well when mommy smelled it and made that awful face I was already prepared for something pretty bad...but holy cow!! This was really bad! Here is a video of my trying to eat my chicken...

Here are some more pictures of my new favorite baby grand piano! I LOVE to play songs for mommy and daddy, and flip my music pages.

Well Uncle Micky comes in on Friday night for the 4th of July party. I am SO excited to see him again!! Can't wait to see everyone this weekend (Just wish Auntie Erin, Uncle Ben & Jake could come too) :o)

Lots of Love - CJ

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

I'm a Sailor - I Sail!

So last night, Mommy skipped out of work a little early and met Daddy, Gramma JoJo and I down at the small boat harbor. We got to take the boat out for my first boat ride! It was so much fun. The weather was beautiful. Daddy bought me a little infant life vest...even smaller than the one he bought when Jacob was home a couple of summers ago! It was so comfortable I slept the first couple of hours I was wearing it!
Here is a picture of me and mommy after I woke up.
And here is a picture of me on Gramma JoJo's lap.
I had lots of fun when daddy was driving back. It was kind of bumpy. I held onto mommy REALLY tight. Mommy was kind of freaking out a little bit, but I was laughing really hard and smiling a lot and thought it was SO fun!
Tomorrow morning mommy, daddy and I are going to meet with the ladies at Color Your World. Mommy tells me that they might be my new daycare. Mommy is really sad about it - but I think that it might be fun to have lots of people to play with during the day when she has to go to work! Mommy and daddy say that they are going to go in there and "examine" every square inch of the place to make sure that it is suitable for me - and that they approve of it. I am sure that I will just smile at everyone to make sure that they will love me enough to smile back!
Well lots of love! - CJ

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Growing Little Girl

Yesterday was SUCH a fun day! Mommy's friend Erika came to visit us all the way from ALASKA!!!!! Can you believe it?! It was so much fun. We got to go shopping ALL day long. We even went out to lunch - and when we were eating lunch, I saw Kelly and baby Molly. I got so tired from all of the shopping that we did that I even fell asleep playing with my toy! See...I am holding onto my fish...
Here is a picture of me playing in the grass with mommy the other night. I am starting to try to crawl a little bit so mommy tries to get me to do it all the time. But i get really frustrated with her so I just roll to my back when I get mad haha. Here I am being cute...
And here are a couple of pictures of me playing in my jumper. Boy is this toy fun! I don't quite get the point of it...that I have to bounce in it and jump up and down. But man...I have a lot of fun in it! It whinnies and makes galloping noises like a horse and I like to copy it and scream and squeal really loud (and drive mommy nuts!).

Well this weekend is fathers day so I am pretty excited to spend the weekend with my daddy and grandpas. It is pretty fun to have them around I have decided!
Lots of Love - CJ

Friday, June 5, 2009

Here is a better picture of baby Bristol. Isn't she beautiful!!! She sure does look like mommy :o)

Welcome Baby Bristol

I have a new baby GIRL to play with!!!! Mommy got a picture message at 3:38am this morning ... it was baby Bristol!!!

Bristol Isabella Sprague
6 lb 2 oz

(The picture is kinda blurry...sorry!!!)

...isn't she beautiful! We are SO excited...and cannot wait to meet her! Mommy is really sad that she can't go to the hospital to see her but we will have to go to the house and meet her next week. Mommy can't wait to talk to Heather and hear how everything went...she heard that she didn't have ANY drugs...WOW!

Well we are very blessed to have another beautiful healthy baby in our lives. We love you Kody, Heather, Carter & baby Bristol!!!!!

Love - CJ

Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Mommy thinks that I MUST have teeth coming soon. I am chewing on EVERYTHING. I like to grab onto anything I can and chew on it. I am also drooling like crazy. Mommy hasn't been able to feel anything yet but they have to be on their way!
So I have gotten to go camping the past 2 weekends in a row!!! I had SO much fun. First we went camping with Uncle Cody, Gramma Nanci, Uncle Gary and lots of other people. I got to sleep in Uncle Gary's new camper - that was pretty fun. Then last weekend we went to Allegany State Park with Uncle Eric and Aunt Corie. Gramma JoJo, Auntie Alice and Uncle Dave stopped by too! It was SO much fun. I got to hang out by the fire ALL day. And I got to yell and scream as much as I wanted (it is my new favorite thing to do - with a smile on my face of course!).
Gramma JoJo has taken over watching me on Tuesday nights so that mommy can go to her weight watchers meetings. She also offered to make dinner for mommy and daddy every Tuesday too! Mommy is very excited and grateful for this because she really doesn't feel like cooking when she gets home from weight watchers! Last night Gramma JoJo made shrimp pasta yummm She also had french bread, which she shared with me!!! Here are some pictures of me gnawing on a piece of french bread. I LOVED it...I thought it was really fun to put this in my mouth.