Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Mommy thinks that I MUST have teeth coming soon. I am chewing on EVERYTHING. I like to grab onto anything I can and chew on it. I am also drooling like crazy. Mommy hasn't been able to feel anything yet but they have to be on their way!
So I have gotten to go camping the past 2 weekends in a row!!! I had SO much fun. First we went camping with Uncle Cody, Gramma Nanci, Uncle Gary and lots of other people. I got to sleep in Uncle Gary's new camper - that was pretty fun. Then last weekend we went to Allegany State Park with Uncle Eric and Aunt Corie. Gramma JoJo, Auntie Alice and Uncle Dave stopped by too! It was SO much fun. I got to hang out by the fire ALL day. And I got to yell and scream as much as I wanted (it is my new favorite thing to do - with a smile on my face of course!).
Gramma JoJo has taken over watching me on Tuesday nights so that mommy can go to her weight watchers meetings. She also offered to make dinner for mommy and daddy every Tuesday too! Mommy is very excited and grateful for this because she really doesn't feel like cooking when she gets home from weight watchers! Last night Gramma JoJo made shrimp pasta yummm She also had french bread, which she shared with me!!! Here are some pictures of me gnawing on a piece of french bread. I LOVED it...I thought it was really fun to put this in my mouth.

1 comment:

  1. Carleigh Jeanne, you are growing up way too fast! Teeth now? My goodness!

    I sure wish we were closer so WE could have dinner at Gramma JoJo's house on Tuesdays. too.

    We miss you guys and love you lots!
