Thursday, January 15, 2009

First Night Home

After a conversation with Auntie was decided that a Carleigh page was in here we go! It may take me a little time to get a hang of this...but we'll try!

As I sit here looking at Brian and his little girl sleeping on the couch I am thinking back over the past couple days. Holy Cow! Who would have thought that your life could change so drastically. I always knew that I would love Carleigh with all of my being when she arrived...because that's just what you do when you have a baby. But I never imagined how much this little girl could move me. I look at her and just cry! I am so amazed that Brian and I could make something so beautiful and perfect. I have never felt this much joy - it really is amazing.

Watching the two of them sleep I can't help but smile. Carleigh looks SO much like her daddy it is crazy!! They look exactly alike right now - it is just so adorable!

We will work on some more pictures and everything else...I promise!!

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so happy to be able to see her!

    I'll admit, sometimes it's a pain to post stuff on a blog, but it's such a cool record to have when you look back later. And maybe some day she'll get to read what you've written and see just how special and loved she is :)
