Friday, January 16, 2009

First Night Home

Well we survived the first night!! Unfortunately we are in the middle of a big snowstorm - so you know what that means...daddy was gone plowing all night :o/
Carleigh was very good for mommy though. She wakes up about every 3 hours for some food and a diaper change and we're back to sleep! However...mommy was too worried last night so she really didn't sleep too much haha. I had to keep telling myself to relax, and breath. Once I took a deep breath I realized why my back and neck was so sore! I was so tense haha just worried that miss Carleigh was warm enough, and that she was ok. But we survived! And now miss Carleigh is sleeping on mommy's chest while I write this blog.
Here is a picture of Carleigh all cuddled up!

And Tank is very concerned with his new baby sister. Every time she makes a peep he has to check on her. Sometimes he just sits next to the bassinet and watches everything I do to her.

1 comment:

  1. Aww Tank! What a sweet dog.

    Sorry about the snowstorm :( I promise, it wasn't us praying for it this time!

    I hope mama and Carleigh stay snuggled up and warm all day. We love you and we will anxiously await the next pressure!
