Sunday, February 22, 2009 asked for it

Ok - so I do understand that I have been absolutely terrible at updating the Carleigh page. Maybe Carleigh will have to take over the page for me. However, unfortunatley we have not had a very happy baby lately. Although I have to admit she has been a little better the last couple days.
So Carleigh has acid reflux. We have tried EVERY single food available and none of them have helped her. So the Dr started her on Zantac about 2 weeks ago now. And of course that did not help either. Just this past Weds we went back to the doctor and we are now trying Prilosec AND Zantac together. She seems a little better but gets cranky when the meds start to wear off at night. So I think we still have some work to do.
Carleigh has to go for an upper GI scan on March 2nd (Mommy is TERRIFIED). They will feed her a dye and do a scan to see what is causing the reflux and how she is refluxing etc. This will make sure that it isn't anything developmentally wrong etc. Then we have an appointment with the GI specialist on March 25th (the earliest we could get) maybe I should become a GI specialist!!
So Carleigh has gotten pretty big over the past couple weeks. She is finally fitting into her clothes!! And they are absolutely adorable. Last Weds at the Dr she was 10 lbs 9 oz!!!
So there is a VERY VERY VERY VERY VERY sad day coming up way too soon. Tuesday Mommy has to go back to work :o( Needless to say I am VERY upset about this. My OB probably thinks that I am crazy. She asked me about work when I went in for my follow up and I started sobbing uncontrolably in her office. Then I think I may have had a mini panac attack...right after I left my chest got all tight, I could hardly breathe and I could not stop crying!! So no...if you couldn't tell I REALLY don't want to go back to work.

Well here are some pictures of Carleigh - and since you are all get to see the crabby baby that we have been dealing with lately!!

This is pretty much the only time she hasn't been crying lately - when she is sleeping!


  1. Oh, poor baby girl :(

    Good thing she is still adorable even when she's crying!

    I'm so sorry you are having such a rough time right now. I'd say it will all get better and work itself out, but you already know that...and knowing it sometimes doesn't make it any easier RIGHT NOW. So, just remember I'm here if you need to vent, cry, complain, have a panic attack...or just generally gush about how beautiful your baby is and how much you love her :)

    Love you guys!

  2. Maybe Carleigh and Aunt Courtney can help update he carleigh page so Mommy isn't crying so loud at work ... even though its ok to cry :) We love you and crying Carleigh! Tomorrow will be hard but you will be a better person for being able to me an amazing mom and an amazing worker... You will accomplish more than me! And be able to leave your baby and work! And don't worry she will be in good hands. We are getting all her "toys" out now...swings & bassinets are ready for little C!
